Thursday, 18 February 2010

JR Foundation Station - day four

James really isn't making all this up as he goes along, you know. He really does have a plan.
Today we started from where we had left off yesterday. That meant everyone else was careering round the indoor arena while Liquorice and I (being in the special needs group) were walking round the inner track dragging a rope with a plastic box attached. This was to give Liquorice a job to do so he felt that there was a purpose to him being there. So after everyone else had done one lap in walk, trot and canter without breaking gait, and Liquorice and I had dragged our box around with it on the inside of us and the outside of us, we all stood in the middle. We watched Kitty, whose TB won't stay still, trot round and round until her horse relaxed. Then James told me to take Liquorice out to the rail and trot round. After a few minor adjustments of me - getting me to look up where I want to go instead of down at my horse, Liquorice did a very nice complete circuit, almost following the rail, in trot. YEP, I SAID LIQUORICE - COMPLETE CIRCUIT - IN TROT!
Then we watched Rene, (who never thought her WB would canter a circle and certainly never thought he would do a Flying lead change) do a canter in a circle and a flying lead change. When James asked me to take Liquorice out to the rail again we trotted a circuit then changed direction in the "question box" and trotted another circuit. YEP, I SAID TROTTED A COMPLETE CIRCUIT, CHANGED DIRECTION AND TROTTED ANOTHER! I could be heard squealing, "He's going a bit fast." Everyone laughed.
Anyway Batchelor chicken and vegetable cup-a-soups are really quite tasty, when you get used to them, and you've got a whole packet of them to use up, and there is nothing else to eat anyway.


Abigail said...

Hurray! Liquorice is going to be a speed machine when he comes back! Can I sit in the box when he drags it?!

Gill said...

Well done Lynne, you are both superstars.