Wednesday, 1 August 2012

JRFS Review 2012

So now we are home from the James Roberts Foundation Station with lots to thnk about. Coming back after two and a half years has helped me realise just how far we have come.  For instance - my confidence in trail riding, my confidence in my, and Liquorice's, ability to hold our own among the other students and their horses, Liquorice's improved impulsion.  
After every session James always asks his students what they learned this session and knowing you are going to be asked (and not wanting to have nothing to say in front of everybody else) concentrates the mind wonderfully! It really helps keep you focussed on what James is doing, why he is doing it, and this time I'm really starting to notice the litle things that make the big difference.  So these are the things that stood out for me each day - these lists are by no means exhaustive!

Day 1 
  •  It was really good to revisit "The Plan" 
  • The importance of making a connection with your horse before you start to do anything
  • To do things 'for' your horse and not 'to'your horse
Day 2
  • The "plan within a plan" so that we knew where we were in the programme and to help us be progressive 
  • How to use our bodies to steer 
  • That Liquorice will walk through water (if not actually 'on' it)
Day 3
  • Not to be afraid to expect more of Liquorice - more work will improve his fitness
  • Not to get in front of the 'drive line' when online or riding - it can block more sensitive horses
  •  The cartwheel pattern
Day 4
  • The absulute importance of absolute focus
  • To ride out of a turn (a bit like when you are driving a car)
  • To give your horse a job to do 
Day 5
  •  That Liquorice can canter on demand 
  • That my horse is amazing out on hacks
  • That I wish I could stay for another week
Of course there is loads more but if I could ony take one of those things from the whole week it would be the 'ride with your body - I have wanted to this for so long and its so easy this way - it makes me feel like a proper rider at last!